The Second Coming...
Lately I have been seeing, yet again, this same type of trend forming with another two similar players standing at the 7'0"+ range with definite size advantages making them dominant forces in the paint coupled with funny personalities that even come off as goofy at times. This with the fact that both of them started their careers for the same team makes it hard to not compare Shaquille O'neal and Dwight Howard. So hold up, which one do I like? Well I loved Shaq when he was with LA but hey I would have probably liked MJ in purple and gold (a la Kobe Bryant) but before Shaq played for the Lakers and since he has left I have hated him with a passion. And right now Dwight Howard is easily my second favorite player in the league (KG, Carmelo, Shawn Marion, and Arenas all fall right behind Dwight and Kobe). I'm basically writing this blog to show you why.....
When Shaq's lazy a$$ was with LA I always said he would be ridiculous if he actually got into that David Robinson type of physical condition....this boy Dwight is gonna make a prophet out of me....LOL.