This year is a big year for summer movies and I love going to the movies so there are quite a few that I am anticipating. So far this summer all the blockbusters have been the third part of there respective series' but in my opinion the third part of a series is normally a let down thanks to built up anticipation you have from all the invested time. Starting off the summer blockbuster season we have had three of these movies...
(Preface: I'm trying my best not to spoil these movies too much but read at your own risk)
Up until this point the Pirates series has been hit or miss with most people. Either you really like the movies or you don't like them at all. The first two have been movies that combine action and adventure with witty sarcasm to convey an ambiguous storyline that really didn't have a good direction. For part one it was actually a pretty good concept...the free flow of the movie had you wondering what would be next and the sarcasm held up well. For part two it was a little drawn out in length but the sarcasm continued and the action held the interest of viewers along with a boat load of new digital imagery (for Davie Jones and his crew). For part three they had the sarcasm, they had the action, and they even had the digital imagery (LOL) but someone got the bright idea that they needed to step up the story telling in this series. MISTAKE. I have never sat thru an action movie that had that much talking....DAMN! I mean there were parts were bamas just sat in rooms and talked out what needed to happen in the story. Someone should have really told the director "actions speak louder than words" because this one got boring. I was the only one in my group of friends that didn't actually go to sleep at some point in the movie and the sad part is....they didn't miss anything. LMAO.
The Shrek Series has been a real breath of fresh air in regards to the originality and humor of childrens movies. The first two installments of this series has been pleasing for children while incorporating some humor that will ensure that the parents won't be bored while watching. This combination was at it's best in Shrek 2 which pushed the adult humor envelope to the limit. I thought part one was good and part two was great and couldn't wait to see how they progressed the story. Unfortunately part 2 was so good that it was almost impossible for them to live up to the standard they set for themselves. Don't get me wrong, it's not terrible but it's no where near what Shrek 2 was and some are saying it's the worst of the series. I think it was 'about' as good as part 1 personally but I have received some crazy looks when I have said that to people. Of the first three blockbusters of the summer this is probably the best....but that ain't saying much so far. LOL.
And last and most definitely least Spiderman 3. Most of you who have been keeping up with my blogs should know that comics hold a soft spot in my heart (LOL) so it's easy to figure so do the movies that come from comics. I love to see them on screen in live action even if it's not following the true story as it was written. With Spiderman 3 that couldn't be further from the truth. This movie was BAD! I mean terrible bad. Like I am still contemplating writing my longest blog ever in which I write my own script for this movie (with all the same characters of course). It's sad because I have openly said many times that Spiderman 2 is arguably the best comic movie made (It's a close second to Batman Begins). Part three of the series was BAD...I mean terrible bad. Hey it's just my opinion but I dislike this movie so much that when asked wasn't there something I liked I started to pick apart all the things I thought I liked. LOL. This movie was BAD!!!! And no not just cause I know the story, there were just movie mistakes. They did crap like change the story they built the movie on in part 1....mufucka why!!!! I'm see how much I dislike this movie. LOL.Hopefully as the summer goes along the movies will get better because the start so far isn't looking very promising. I'll do it again as the blockbusters keep rolling, next time Transformers, Fantastic Four 2 and more.