"There's rules to this sh*t....I wrote me a manual"
I dedicate this post to people's individual rules to the game....what game you ask. Dating!!! I would include all relationships too but I lack the experience of marriage and based on what I hear from my married homies, that is a totally different game and I should wait awhile before I play it. LOL.
Don't get me wrong I would never claim to know all there is about dating cause I probably know less than most. LOL. But as I have gone thru the years talking to friends and family about dating people I have heard some really interesting and crazy personal rules and theories. Some of these rules are as fickle as not dating someone who is too dark or light or as deep as people's life goals and aspirations being up to standard. Some of these rules are known universally to all like "can't turn a hoe into a house wife" (yeah it's vulgar but it's a rule A LOT of dudes follow when dating)...some rules are created based on a personal experience like putting time frame on how long you must 'talk to' someone before comitting to that person. I have heard a woman say that she can't date someone who owns Timberland boots and a dude who absolutely refuses to call a girl first because he can't give her the upper hand....LMAO. Since I have been deemed the "professional conversationalist" I have been in a lot of conversations about the relationship topic so I could go on forever. What I want is to hear some of the craziest rules/theories that you all have about or have heard about dating. Don't be shy...it's all in fun to me. Hey I'll start with one of my own rules I used to live by:
I used to have a 3 call rule...if we have nothing to talk about after the third conversation there is no reason to continue further conversations (sounds worst than it really is. LOL). I have always been good at running my mouth so I figured if we run out of stuff to talk about after just 3 conversations then something must be wrong with them. That sh*t sounds so silly right now....LOL.
Someone please hit me with some of your rules so that I know I am not the only crazy one...LOL.
Don't get me wrong I would never claim to know all there is about dating cause I probably know less than most. LOL. But as I have gone thru the years talking to friends and family about dating people I have heard some really interesting and crazy personal rules and theories. Some of these rules are as fickle as not dating someone who is too dark or light or as deep as people's life goals and aspirations being up to standard. Some of these rules are known universally to all like "can't turn a hoe into a house wife" (yeah it's vulgar but it's a rule A LOT of dudes follow when dating)...some rules are created based on a personal experience like putting time frame on how long you must 'talk to' someone before comitting to that person. I have heard a woman say that she can't date someone who owns Timberland boots and a dude who absolutely refuses to call a girl first because he can't give her the upper hand....LMAO. Since I have been deemed the "professional conversationalist" I have been in a lot of conversations about the relationship topic so I could go on forever. What I want is to hear some of the craziest rules/theories that you all have about or have heard about dating. Don't be shy...it's all in fun to me. Hey I'll start with one of my own rules I used to live by:
I used to have a 3 call rule...if we have nothing to talk about after the third conversation there is no reason to continue further conversations (sounds worst than it really is. LOL). I have always been good at running my mouth so I figured if we run out of stuff to talk about after just 3 conversations then something must be wrong with them. That sh*t sounds so silly right now....LOL.
Someone please hit me with some of your rules so that I know I am not the only crazy one...LOL.
You are definitely THE professional conversationalist.
Your 3-call rule should be a 2-call rule. LOL.
As for you soliciting for rules, "the game is to be sold, not told." DUH!
LMAO!!! Exactly why I gave old rule that is no longer in use Bone.
You don't know me, but I have to tell you that you are a funny man!! Liked reading your blog, and if you ever get to the married list of rules...let me know! I have some that will save your life!
Thanks for the laughs!
Thanks for the compliment and thanks for stopping thru Lolly. Please, keep on checking me out and hopefully I will get around to that list of married rules. LOL.
Rules I have heard:
"I don't date tall women because their 'cookies' are too deep"
"If I don't have sex with you by the 3rd date, we don't need to talk anymore"
"Women need to learn to pay HALF sof the bills (dating bills like dinner/movie)" [this is as a result of many young brothers making NICE salaries and them not wanting to be 'used' because they make that much money-actually an understandable take]
"if he can't take care of me, i can't be bothered"
"he MUST have benefits and a retirement fund"
"I will only date white collar brothers"
"I don't want a CEO"
these are just a few I have heard..
My rule: There are no rules...
I don't have a "type" I don't think that things should be all sweet an then go sour...I think it should just unfold as it unfolds...i don't have a time frame for "talking" to someone...it will fall into place when its supposed to...
The ONLY rule or necessary is this...YOU have a personal relationship with GOD and are working on it on a regular basis...The Spiritual person is VERY important...
and the rest is are just like givens...you know respect, blah blah blah....
I just want to feel like I have a FRIEND in whoever I am with...we walking in life side by side...
and Dane you are the professional conversationalist...
You know if you guys keep calling me that (professional conversationalist) I'm gonna start being proud of it...LOL.
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