Monday, August 21, 2006

"I make dough but don't call me Doughboy"

This weekend I was blessed with the task of helping my cousin and his lovely wife move from her old apartment, that they were staying in, over to there new apartment about 30 minutes away. Now moving is a normal thing and I have either moved or helped someone else move 20+ times (NO BULL). So this task wasn't something that I was really worried about at all. So I get over to my cousins and at that time I have to face the harsh reality that it's gonna be just he and I on this move which pretty much HURT because he lived on the 4th floor. On top of that he had those steps that make the turn half way down on each flight. Needless to say this was a daunting task and by the time he and I filled the truck I was sucking wind like a fat child chasing an ice cream truck.

Now with all these steps you would think that I have no reason to feel bad other than the fact that I'm only half way thru and he's moving into the 3rd floor of his new spot....F*CK!!!! (LOL) But when his wife moved in originally we had the same 2 people moving up those stairs to the 4th floor and I was straight. So this, in essence, was a huge indicator of what I have already know but am fighting....DANE YOU ARE RIDICULOUSLUY OUT OF SHAPE!!! I mean I am one of those people that says I am out of shape no matter what condition I'm in but just last year I was working out regularly and this move would have been a cake walk then. As of now I haven't hit the gym regularly since January. On top of that I am driving to work this morning and pass this jogger about 6 blocks away from the 7-11 I stop at each morning. Nothing particularly special to notice until I leave 7-11 and see him 2 blocks ahead of me now, on the ground doing crunches. Yeah I felt like some sh*t, cause this brother was mid to late 30's and I don't even make time to do crunches at the foot of my bed. This time last year I was a gym rat. Now I'm a fat rat...LOL. For real though, that dude inspired me (for like 5 minutes) but it was enough to let me know I need to get back into the gym if not just for health reasons. I'm trying to be alive and kicking once I have kids so I gotta start working on that now.
So today (well maybe tomorrow) I am gonna start anew. So hopefully by the end of the year I can avoid sweating like a 72 year old grandma chasing a 9 year old child with a switch. But only the future will tell...I'll try to keep ya'll posted. LOL

Oh yeah, let me not forget to shout out my man Bone for showing up on the second leg to help my cousin move in on Saturday. That brother may have saved my life...LOL.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dag Dane! I didn't know that move had you like THAT. But I did miss the first half though so I can imagine how effed up I'd have been. Those Heinekens made up for all my pain and suffering though. LOL!

And you know you are wrong for that picture.

7:04 PM  
Blogger Daneger said...

The first half of the move had me like that. The second half wasn't as ruff cause it was one less flight and you were there to help. But the pizza did test like the best I'd had all damn year after we were done...LOL.

10:49 PM  
Blogger Lawrenorder said...

All the way from mcarroll4716... a friend of a friend...

"sweating like a 72 year old grandmother chasing a 9 year old child"

11:05 AM  
Blogger T.a.c.D said...

Man me and you in the same boat...I need to get feels like my behind is two bowling balls trying to make a run for a strike at the same time...its so not a good look...I need to get motivated...maybe this post will have me doing what I need to do...
but more than likely it won't if my NOT being able to catch my brethe as I walk up my three (which really should be 6) flights of steps to go in my apartment...I don't know what will

12:24 PM  
Blogger jendayi said...

So Dane. Umm...Yeah...It's been two days...and? you doing with that? lol.

12:58 PM  
Blogger Daneger said...

Actually I got on the Basketball court last night.(gotta get ready to play Mike one on one...LOL) I was out there for a solid 2.5 hours and I felt pretty good during MOST of it. I had to get my second wind and then my third wind (LOL) but I held it together. Played 2 games of 33 (a long version of 21) and won the first one. Then me and my man Al (another out of shape friend pushing 27) played these 2 highschoolers in 3 games of 2 on 2. We won the first and the last! So I'm pretty proud of myself. Let's see what I get out there and do tomorrow though ;-)

4:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So it's two months later and I's the working out going?

9:10 AM  

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