Thursday, August 10, 2006

It's A Political Issue

You know in my time in the professional world (just over 2 years) I have come across many diverse people and picked up a lot of new skills but the one thing that I have learned the most about is office politics. And I must say that I am just not for it at all. Every aspect of it is straight BS to me. I mean correct me if I'm wrong but when you are hired for a job you hope to be measured by how well you can do that job and not how much brown you can get on your nose while you're digging it up your managers @ss. Seriously, if I get everything required of me done WELL and on time then I really don't give a damn what you think of me personally I'm still an asset and should be treated as such. Why do I have to go to lunch with the team everyday just because that's always what they have done. I am new and I have always spent my lunch getting away from work to relax. So why is it that I am the outcast that no one wants to work with for wanting to go get Chipotle instead of brown bagging it next to the dude that smells like stale Doritos and spray starch?
I'm telling you the stuff is really getting to me cause ever since I have been in my current position (January 31, 2006) I have starting to become more and more militant blurting out ridiculous comments that are so unlike my usual laid back self. This probably culminated when it came time for the performance ratings a couple of months back. Now you'd think this was simple...the boss looks at performance and other factors, determines your rating, brings you in the office and tells you the rating, discusses raise, you fake like your happy and leave. What more could you ask for but OH NO if that wasn't already political enough they have found a way to make it worst. The managers no longer rate rate yourself. WTF!!! Okay do they really think I'm that stupid, all this will do is give me more busy work to do for nothing. At best the manager already knows what he is gonna give you and you write up such a good rating of yourself they can't find anything wrong with you. Oh you still get the same rating but you proved you are exceptional at busy-work and you get to answer THE QUESTION...."How do you plan on improving this performance for the next assesment?" Which takes you right back to the brown nose. The other scenario for this type of self rating is that you try to be honest and admit that you aren't perfect but still make yourself look damn good. And they acknowledge that you did some good work but they now have the opportunity to slow screw you on your raise. Not because you didn't earn the raise but because you need to improve on whatever it is you said you would like to improve. You have simply given them fuel to fire you up with. The funny thing is that the rating is probably the same either way they are just trying to come up with creative ways to make you dance.
They got you shucking and jiving like Sandman at the Apollo, spinning on your head, pop locking, and tap dancing your @ss all the way to your cubical just for a 2% raise that can't help you with that big ass mortgage you have to pay. See my problem is I just don't do things that I can't do and this office politics thing is something I CAN'T DO. I'm the type to see something that I think is BS and say f*ck it so I tend to be the last to fall in line with "the game" in my office, which makes me stand out even more...LOL. I just laugh at it cause it doesn't bother me that I stand out because I get my job done. They can't say anything about that. But I swear these crazy a$$ crackers is trying to kill me (see what I mean about ridiculous statements LOL). Ya'll need to pray for me cause pretty soon I might start snapping on bamas or in there looking like an old episode of the Chappelle show.....

But all in all I really don't have anything to complain about so don't get me wrong (LOL!). I just needed a moment to vent.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Word of advice. Don't talk about your job on your blog. Ni99as have gotten fired over this type of shyt. Not even indirect talk. I wouldn't recommend it.

But to address what you're saying...You gotta know how to "play the game" mayne. Number one, you're already a step behind because you are black. PERIOD! People can argue that if they want, but it's true. Number two, people who know how to play the game will move right past you. Hiwoo is one of those dudes who knows how to play the game and befriend the right people and just be able to communicate to everyone. That's how you get people behind you and their endorsement when you try to move up. It's not about brown-nosing. It's not about what you know all the time. It's sometimes about what other people think of you from what they've seen or heard. That can make or break you too.

Some of the people who work the hardest and do the best work remain on the same level and never make a vertical move in their careers...Only horizontal.

But again, I'd shy away from this type of content if I were you. Especially if anyone at your job knows you have a blog or can find your blog online. Trust me, people like me with serious googling skills will find your shyt. LOL

11:24 AM  

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